

作者:deathmew 来源:NGA 发布时间:2014-07-09 10:07



  He is correct - Naxx cards for that wing will be available immediately in the Arena.

  So when the Arachnid Quarter opens, all of the cards from the Arachnid Quarter will be available in The Arena. And so on for each wing as they are released.


  Golden versions of Naxxramas cards can be crafted with Arcane Dust once you have acquired the non-golden version of that card.


  The Arachnid Quarter is not permanently free - it is only free for a limited time during the Naxxramas launch event.

  In regards to Quests, Naxxramas is similar in functionality to Practice matches, so you will not be able to complete PVP Quests within Naxxramas.



  Only with dust - Naxxramas cards (golden or non-golden) are not available in packs.


  As noted in the blog, if you step into the Arachnid Quarter during the time that it is free, it is unlocked for you permanently.

  If you miss out on the launch event and do not play the Arachnid Quarter while it is free, you can unlock it like you would the other wings with gold or real money.


  To answer your question: Everyone.

  Not everyone will be able to beat Heroic Mode bosses. They are quite challenging. Crafting is something that is available to everyone. It may take some time, but people intent on collecting every Golden card in the game will be able to do so.


  The Naxxramas launch event will last at least a month.


  Acquiring golden cards from Heroic Mode bosses was actually something we had in-game during internal testing. We actually received a lot of negative feedback on this method of golden card acquisition. Like I mentioned, Heroic Mode bosses are not easy, and it felt really bad for people that felt like they could never get the golden versions of Naxxramas cards. We made this change to make things more accessible for everyone.

  Zeriyah:我们曾经尝试过通过英雄模式来获取纳克萨玛斯金 卡。收到的反馈不尽如人意。正如我提到的那样,英雄模式很有难度,如果玩家发现因为自己水平不行,而导致可能一辈子也收藏不到喜欢的金卡,这样的游戏体验 是非常非常糟糕的。因此我们做出了现在的选择。(楼主:卡背狂热收藏者表示因为水平不行,可能导致一辈子也收藏不到NAXX卡背了,这不公平!)

  Correct - if you can complete the Quest in Practice mode, you can do it through Naxxramas. I will edit my post to state "PVP" Quests to make it more clear.


  Quote from Russel Brower via TAC Live

  In World of Warcraft tradition, we are not removing any music, there's not a lot to remove, but we have added some new pieces. Our philosophy has been we're [going to add] some special new music for Naxxramas, and then while we're at it, for each of these major updates, an additional piece for the [regular part of the game] as well. So, the playlist will grow and add to the rest of the game.

  Russel Brower:就跟我们在魔兽世界里做的那样,我们从不大量地移除旧音乐,事实上没有什么音乐可以移除,我们只添加。我们的游戏制作理念就是这样的。这次 我们会为纳克萨玛斯添加一些特别的音乐。当纳克萨玛斯上线之后,每次大的更新,我们都会再添加一些额外的音乐音效给炉石的其他游戏模式。游戏整体的音乐库 会越来越丰富。

  Will we hear the Naxx Bosses' WoW voices in HS? I'd love to hear Patchwerk and friends again'!

  Quote from @CM_Zeriyah

  I'm sure you will have some nostalgia there ... and additional surprises.

  Zeriyah:关于纳克萨玛斯的boss语音,我敢说老玩家会感到非常怀念……还有一些小惊喜。(帕奇维克 want to play!)


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